5:11 AM

Potluck celebrating fruit bowl illumination

Posted by Texasholly |

Happy Monday.


Here are some of my favorite searches from the week:
1. "addiction to motherhood"
2. "berber rugs + dog toenails"
3. "brought the suitcase to my home"
4. "catchy slogans for potlucks"


I really feel like I should address that last one. As the hostess of a weekly potluck, I really should step up to the plate *giggle* and be the SOURCE for catchy potluck slogans. So here are a few. If you would like to add one in the comments, I will add them to the list with full authorship linky credit...

June Cleaver Nirvana's comprehensive list of catchy potluck slogans:
2. Snap, Crackle, POTLUCK!
3. Nothin' Says Lovin' like something random from a POTLUCK.
4. With a name like POTLUCK, it has to be good
5. Between love and madness lies POTLUCK.
6. Obey your POTLUCK.
7. Sometimes you feel like a POTLUCK, sometimes you don't.
8. I want my POTLUCK!
9. A POTLUCK is a terrible thing to waste.
10. I'm POTLUCKING it.

Don't forget to pick up your button:

What is up with Holly's Coccyx?


Let's find out who is Peep of the Week!

Since the Nivana was lazy last week and didn't choose a peep I am doubling the peep pleasure by announcing two.

In response to I wish he represented MY district:

OMG he will be president! I love that parenting now requires fine print:) --Brittany

In response to If you give a Texas Mom a sunny day:

Felony flower photography. Good thing your son is destined to be a lawyer. You're going to need him. --ThreeUnderTwo

Congrats to Brittany and ThreeUnderTwo. You will share the sidebar and the title of Reining Peeps of the Week.

What is in Holly's fruit bowl?

I have come to a fruit bowl dilemma. I have been reporting for a year what is in my fruit bowl for a reason. The reason is because my fruit bowl sits in darkness. You can read about WHY my fruit bowl sits in darkness in The Legend of Bitter Holly.

Well, this week I got the problem resolved.

No more darkness.

Bitter Holly has mellowed.


Let there be light upon my fruit bowl.

So, I thought that maybe I should discontinue the potluck segment now that you can actually SEE what is in the fruit bowl.

But then I noticed something.

The lighting was perfect...

perfect for a picture.

May your over-ripe and slightly peeled bananas have perfect lighting...

Oh! I just added the Blogger FOLLOWER function - I know I am like 4 months behind - but PLEASE follow if you are a regular reader. Thanks!


jill jill bo bill said...

I am thinking a banana split in your fruit bowl is unbeatable.

ForestWander Nature Photography said...

Kind makes you wonder what in the world the google is doing.

I found your site by looking for flower pictures.

Unknown said...

Oh, your fruit bowl is just beautiful all lit up like that. I'm in awe.

For a catch phrase how about "Time to make the POTLUCK!" (you know, like time to make the doughnuts...) Just a try! : )

the planet of janet said...

potluck power!

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Potluck--it's recession friendly!

Anonymous said...

It's my potluck, and I want it now!

Madge said...

i have missed monday potluck. really, when are we having cottage cheese loaf?

Happy Campers said...

Potluck With A Chance of Meatballs

Eat, Pray, Love, Potluck!

The Five Potlucks You Meet In Heaven

Humpty Dumpty Sat On A Potluck

stephanie said...

Finger-licking, Potlucking good. [I guess I kinda have to share part of the TM with KFC]

Lotsa Luck with your POTsaLUCK! [That is my very cheesy 50s TV entry]

Love your real-life fruit bowl, by the way.

ShallowGal said...

That is *not at all* how I pictured your fruit bowl.

Jennifer S said...

I love that bowl. There's a chance your next fruit bowl feature will have to be: Where in the world is Holly's fruit bowl?

Not that I would steal it or anything. Stealing is wrong. Very, very wrong.

Threeundertwo said...

Oh no! I still need the mystery and aura surrounding the fruit bowl. You must have someplace else that's dark where you can put it.

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