5:33 AM

Potluck without a point

Posted by Texasholly |

Did Potlucks ever have a point?

I guess I missed that.

And now for a little story entitled (w/picture):
Does Everything have to be Educational?

If you have ever been to the Fort Worth Zoo you may have stopped at the Play Barn. If you have stopped at the play barn then you probably have a picture similar to this on your camera:

This is from the zoo's "manure making" exhibit. I am not sure that the kids learn much of anything, but the moms learn to scramble quickly for their cameras to snap a shot of their child "elbow deep in learning".

And proving my theory that everything is better with a button:

You know you want it...

So these random phrases had eager readers Nirvana bound this week:
1. I would rather wet my pants.
2. It is a sunny day and I feel brand new.
3. alien fruit boobs
4. my feet stink

What is up with Holly's coccyx?

Doing good.
How many weeks is she going to include the coccyx segment (hehe) without any actual update?

Let's find out who is Peep of the Week!

One of the best peep comments to date in response to Ryan's 8th birthday post:
Happy Birthday Ryan. Now if you let Mommy and Daddy take an afternoon nap, they might dream you a little sister.
Yep, that is from Weaselmomma. Again. I may have to add an additional column to the blog to keep her permanently ensconced as Peep of the Week.

What is in Holly's fruit bowl?

You know all that crap that I had in the fruit bowl last week? Well it is still there minus two bananas and one potato.

May your turning produce lots of manure...


spinning in our own direction said...

I knew there was somwthing different about you.. Alien boobs ah is that what it is..

Manic Mommy said...

The notion that kids don't understand poop is just a little ridiculous. It's been the ongoing favorite joke since they could speak.

Yeah, I'd totally have taken the picture.

WeaselMomma said...

CHA-Ching winner and still reigning Champion!!!!!!
Oh and BTW, I so want to know how to change the code n the manure button so it read WeaselMomma instead cow. I need that button!

Valarie Lea said...

Oh the depths we go to teach our children... :)

Angie Ledbetter said...

With three teens, a Cajun hubby and a new puppy in the house, I don't even need a manure-producing button! (Hip waders, however, would be nice.)

Misty said...

LOVE the button...

and really, it's better that your bananas are gone. They don't keep well...

the mama bird diaries said...

What's going on in that picture? Is her hand up the fake horse's tush?

Momo Fali said...

I once had to take a loan application from a bull semen collector. He literally had to stick his hands places that no human should ever have to stick their hands.

Jennifer S said...
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Jennifer S said...

Oh honey. At my house, it was all those afternoon naps that brought tons of (child-generated) manure into my life.

Live it, learn it.

Lynn C Mama to 3 said...

So she's basically elbow deep in.... education?

Anonymous said...

Must have been the weekend for manure. We were in it deep at our place. My girl took photos. Tune in tomorrow for the full story!

Unknown said...

Ah yes, the play barn and the potential for manure aqusition. I know it well. But I do not have a picture like that. Next time....

Jenni said...

All we have is fake cows with rubber udders to milk!

Shauna said...

Thats an icky button - it makes me want to barf.

the planet of janet said...

i might need a whole extra sidebar just for your buttons.

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