I believe that life is an information gathering experience. I read a vast variety of books, listen to a wide range of music, have friends from different circles, and will talk to just about anyone about anything.

I find joy in random tid-bits.

Pockets of knowledge are one of my favorite things.

AND nothing is better than a good story.

*God enters laughing*
*rubbing his hands together*
*peering over heaven's ledge to catch this daily event*

Act I:
Holly finds appropriate cone to pick up second grader from school carline. The minivan doors automatically open and Ryan gets into the back seat tugging at his rolling backpack.

Holly: What did you do in school today?
Ryan: huh?
School. Did you have a nice day?
Are you OK? How was school?
Did you have a spelling test?
Spelling test...did you have one?
I can't remember.
What about math? Did you do the 100 facts sheets today?
Huh? Did you have the 100 facts sheets today?
I can't hear you. What happened in math?
Did you see Caleb at recess?
Maybe? Did you or didn't you see your friend?
Idonno. Mom, can I eat the rest of my lunch?

Holly then turns up the music in the minivan and the two drive home in peace while Ryan sits contently eating his lunch dessert.

Usually this scenario is acted out in one act. I never really thought much about it until I went to a moms night out with some of the mothers of Ryan's classmates.

I sat at the table speechless. They were each sharing stories of when the teacher said this, or when the class clown got in trouble for that, or how all the kids were complaining about the other.


What is the source of this knowledge?


Yep, that is my theory. Girls.

I have noticed in the school hallways that the moms of girls are engaged in conversation.


Conversation, how I long for you.

*snap out of it!*

Anyway, sorry. Last Friday there was an additional act...

Act II:
Holly and Ryan enter the house through the garage from the minivan. Ryan is pulling in his backpack from school. His face is smudged with chocolate.

Holly walks over to the computer to check her email.

Holly: Ryan, I have an email from your teacher.
Ryan: huh?
An email. From your teacher. Your art teacher.
*pause for Holly to read*
No. Really. What happened?
*shoulders shrug*
Your teacher sent me this to tell me they had a party for you and two other kids.
Oh ya.
Why did they have a party?
Because your art was chosen to be sent to a state contest?
Oh ya. Mom, can I have a snack?

And this is why you will find me lurking in school hallways eavesdropping on the conversations of little girls...


spinning in our own direction said...

Helloooo.. That is my life.. Landry how was your day?? Nothing.. Did you do anything fun.. Nothing .. Did you play at recess.. Nothing Did you play football at recess ( he always plays football at recess) YEs and then I get a play by play of who did what for hte next 20 minutes. exactly how they scored and who didi what. the rest of the day is a blank nothing nada zip.. Its like I might as well just send him for recess becouse that is the only part f the day he remebers. Harley on the other hand can tell me what everyone was doing and even people in another class. My only hope is they will get married and then we will get to have converations again with our DIL

Kalynne Pudner said...

With four of the non-talker variety and five of the talkers, I endorse your theory. But a heads-up: there will come a time when the girls stop talking, too (usually mid-teens). That's when you've got to do some serious hall-skulking.

Tina in CT said...

Girls are sometimes more talkative but they tell you what they want to tell you.

When I talk with my granddaughters on the phone, sometimes they are chatty and other times they are monoslyllabic.

Loved reading today's blog.

Melissa R said...

My trick for getting my boy to talk is to ask crazy questions.

"Did everyone eat those bugs the teacher brought into art class today?
"You didn't have lunch today I heard. I wonder why they canceled lunch, the kids must have been really hungry all afternoon."
"I thought you wore your Mexican Sombrero today, did everyone like it?"


ComfyMom~Stacey said...

it's like pulling teeth to get info from my sons. For all I know the bus took them to the dump and left them there until 3pm, though probably I would get told how really awesome the dump was if that happened.
I can get my younger one to tell me things by making statements he can contradict."You didn't sing anything today did you?" "You didn't play with Cray today did you?" "The teacher didn't read today."
The older one is on to that game & just says "I dunno, I can't remember"

Halftime Lessons said...

These sound alarmingly like the conversations I have with my wife. And she wonders why I am so chatty with hundreds of women on the internet...maybe because having a conversation at home is so FRICKIN PAINFUL??!!

Sorry...salty today.

Manic Mommy said...

Yep. Nothing. I get "I don't want to talk about it." Gee, that doesn't raise any red flags or anything. I love Melissa R's idea and think I'll give it a whirl.


Anonymous said...

Both my children are grown and gone, but according to them they did "nuttin" all through grade school, high school and college. But then again, maybe I don't want to hear "nuttin" about college

Dawn Parsons Smith said...

This made me giggle! My tween caveboy does this too! Lots of grunting and hand gestures! lol!

My daughter...chatty cathy all the way!

Ash said...

I spent Sunday with my 4-year-old niece.

Cures me of "chatty-girl-envy" every. time.

Ash said...

P.S. LOVE the artwork.

But is it OK to trash talk Texas beaches?

Anonymous said...

So that's what I have to look forward to... Great.

Congrats Ryan! That's awesome!

Angie Ledbetter said...

My two big guys (16 1/2 and 18) must be unusually yappy/chatty. They've been pretty good about filling me in on events of the day. Not as fully as DD (19), but still, I do get a few conversational crumbs. :)

~j said...

my boys started talking around 15. i can't get them to shut up now. it will get better....hang in there!

beachmom said...

OMG ... judging by my household, your theory is 100% the truth! I have two non-talkers and one talker (thank goodness) who fills me in on EVERYTHING that happened to her during the day as well as what happened to both of her brothers during the day! I am fortunate that my "hall skulker" is in the same school and can do all of my spying for me. AND, she does it without me even asking her to!

Rachael said...

You will be rewarded for the lack of conversation later when they are preteens and you get to skip PMS.

Happy Campers said...

Oh my gosh! WAY TO GO Ryan!

Anonymous said...

Awww...boys are tough with the communicating even when they get older!! I guess this shouldn't surprise us any.

I personally never shut up when I was 7-years old, so be careful what you wish for!!

Go Ryan!! Don't trash beaches!!

Valarie Lea said...

1. That is awesome that his art was selected!!! Yay Ryan!!!!

2. Sometimes you get the girls who don't talk, like mine. I have to pull teeth sometimes to find out what happened.

Lynn C Mama to 3 said...

For the record, my angsty 10 year old stepdaughter speaks Ryan's language. I have to wait until her friend comes over to learn anything about school.

Louise said...

My 1st-grade girl is just like Ryan. She WILL talk, but only if she has no idea that's what I want. It's a trial.

Hilarious story. I like the "God" image.

Unknown said...

I think you're right, I mean a girl sent the email, right? ; )

Congrats to Ryan - great job on his art!

tiarastantrums said...

OMG - LOL - too funny - I get NOTHING from my son - everyday - "I forget" - hopefully when my daughters are in school I will hear more!!

jenn said...

I have two daughters and a son, and my Ryan, who is 13, can out talk the girls any day! And my girls can go on and on and on! I know every detail of every moment of every day for each one of them!

Congrats to your Ryan and his art!

Amy said...

Hmmm... my daughter is only in Kindergarden but I don't get much out of her except for who got into trouble. Maybe she'll get into the chatty schoold stories as she gets older?

BTW, I used your vacation button on my post today-- thanks! ;)

Roger Miller said...

Have you ever thought that the parents of the girls were making stories up? Either that or I have the quietest most boring kids on the planet, or maybe they know that their mother will fill me in. :)

Congrats to Ryan on the contest entry and good luck!

Jenni said...

Congrats to Ryan!

I suffer from lack of communication, too! The only time I get any news of school is if someone farts loudly, tears their pants, or pees.

WeaselMomma said...

Ugh, I have this same problem with my girls and boys! I'm convinced that they just don't like me.

the planet of janet said...

girls stop talking when they get to be teenagers. and that's when you have to really worry.

there are days i'll take a silent boy over a moody girl in a heartbeat.

just sayin'

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I learned this trick long ago--make friends with the mother of one of the girls in your boys group--that's the only way to learn anything.

I did have a friend who's son liked to talk and gossip and he was our go-to guy for all information.

Brittany said...

This makes me sad. My boys just starting holding steady, almost comprehendable conversations with me, so I dread it will end one day when I become uncool.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow! Congratulations to him on that.

Buddy (who's 7) is the exact same way. He doesn't seem to remember what happened in school during the day. I'm relieved to read here that some of the other parents know what goes on because they have girls. Whew. That's a load off - thanks for undertaking this important research for moms of boys everywhere.

Beth said...

As the mother of two boys, I am here to tell you the conversations don't get better. That is, unless you intervene. I finally got my boys to tell me something (please tell me anything, for the love of gawd) when I learned to bombard them with ridiculous questions. If they couldn't tell me something then, by golly, we were going to make up stuff. Here are some of the questions I used (feel free to improvise and borrow):

Did any wild rats escape on the playground?
Was Miss Rocket (a made up teacher) zooming around the school again?
Did any of the children get locked into cages for the day? Huh? Huh? Did they?

Get the idea? It drove them bat-shit crazy. And made them tell me something so I would leave them alone.

Natalie said...

holy smokes. want to trade kids for a couple of days? my EARS NEED TO REST! my daughter always has something to say and that would be fine except i usually have something to say too!!! my son, by the way, may never talk because he just doesn't need to.

LuckyMe said...

That's why you have to be very chummy with girl moms. "Malcolm, why didn't you tell me the bus was in an accident last week?" Of course, girl moms also know who sneezed in school and how many times.

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