5:54 AM

Potluck from outer space

Posted by Texasholly |

Whoo hoo! Monday...

*powering down*

I have to admit I am a bit exhausted after the vacation. I spent all day Sunday trying to coerce 1/2 of a school week's worth of knowledge into Ryan's head against resistance. Fun times. And he wonders why I won't do full time home school. HA!

There isn't much food in the house, so everyone can eat what they find for the potluck.

Speaking of food, the winner of my birthday snacks was Stacy and the winner of Misa Ramirez's new book Living the Vida Lola was Kellibean. Congrats to both!

OMG. Google outdid itself this week by sending me someone who searched, "icecream makes me tired". I have no idea how or why, but I appreciate the randomness.

What is up with Holly's coccyx?

The skiing was good. Very good. And I am no worse for the wear.

Let's find out who is Peep of the Week!

I am behind a week on the old peep...so here it goes.

In response to the unusual Lego people I found:

"i totally knew patrick was a racist. i just knew it!" - Natalie

AND in response to my involuntary racing which resulted in a spectacular wipe out:

For some people, the ultimate wipe out is way better than winning a voluntary or involuntary race - Angie

For their wit and insight, Natalie and Angie are Peeps of the (last two) Week(s)!

Did ya notice?
Did ya notice?

There is actually a perk of being Peep of the Week! I am going to feature the "Reigning Peep" in my right sidebar (look right)...(ya, right there)...(yep, ya see it?)...(oh, good)...(I tried to make it obvious)...(I know! It is obvious now that I pointed it out!)...

Please visit the Reigning Peeps because they are super cool

And now for a story entitled:

Do you know a good Plastic Surgeon?

Rhett(3) has been a little obsessed with playing the "these are the same" game. You know, he matches just about everything.

These are the same!

Yes honey, there is a Quaker logo on both the Life Cereal AND the oatmeal.

These are the same!

Yes honey, both those cars are red and have four wheels.

Then he brought me this:

These are the same as mommy!

He proclaimed. Loudly. While pointing at the aliens chest and then mine.


What is in Holly's fruit bowl?

Four fresh bananas and an airline baggage claim ticket.

May your Monday be alien-free...


WeaselMomma said...

Doesn't he know that Boobs are from Venus and little boys who make fun of Mom's will be sent to Mars?

Manic Mommy said...

I never knew Patrick was racist. But it's pretty clear he and Spongebob are more than just friends.

Madge said...

someday you are going to come down and find me in your fruit bowl.

Angie Ledbetter said...

OMG. LOL. And love the new peeps sidebar feature.

PS I guess kidlet's "same" comment coulda been worse. At least he didn't point to the sucker hands or other parts of alien anatomy. :)

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Kids will keep you humble, that's for sure.

I can't find my blog said...

What? No Kelsey Grammar in your fruit bowl?

Anonymous said...

Have you been abducted by Aliens for experimental procedures???

Natalie said...

it's hard to tell in the picture, but are the alien's boobs sagging? if not then i say good for you! i would love to have perky alien boobs!

Burgh Baby said...

At least he didn't point a little . . . ahem . . . lower. I mean, it's good to be ballsy, but you don't need to have quite that much going on.

Threeundertwo said...

Oh man, who can I bribe to become peep of the week? Srsly.

I'm off to stumble every one of your posts ever written. . .

Happy Campers said...

Holly, I'm sorry. I can no longer be your friend. The risk of abduction late in the night is too high now that your cover is blown...

Cancer Mommy said...

Just wanted to say, my son was discussing aliens today, and said "some are tiny and some are bigger than Mom!" Yep, ya gotta love those special memories!

Jenni said...

Boobs are SO 2008...

Unknown said...

I thought Natalie's comment was pretty funny too. Rhett's... not so much. ; )

jubilee said...

As uncomfortable as little man's comparison may have been, it could have been worse. I mean, did you see the face on that thing?!

Anonymous said...

yay - thanks! Can't wait to read the book!

Are you sure Rhett wasn't talking about the alien's killer 6-pack?

Momisodes said...

Oh man. Their honesty knows no bounds :) My daughter constantly pokes fun (sometimes literally) at my boobs without even knowing.
Love the peep of the week on the sidebar! I'm off to check them out.

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