6:20 AM

The grumpy potluck

Posted by Texasholly |

*sarcasm intended*

I have just made it through the most dreaded time of the year...

Yes, the "fall back" of Daylight Savings Time has officially taken over.

Why does the words "fall back" strike fear in my soul?

Because while I can set back my clocks and electronic equipment, I CANNOT set back my children's internal early-waking-hearts.

The switch to DST is not just a one night event here at the Nirvana. No, it is the gift that just keeps giving...

It takes almost a WEEK. A WEEK PEOPLE! For my children's internal early-waking-hearts to adjust to what the rest of the world has slept through.

Sweet, sweet sleep. How I dream of you...

I am too tired to cook for potluck today, but it is your lucky day because I am going to ask Lisa at Very Busy Mom of Four to take over. Not only is she very busy with four children, but she actually feeds them! She just lives a few miles from my house and can drive over. Lisa has stated:

Any mayo or fish is a no-no. Those things sitting out could make one violently ill ;)
(Fish eaten right away OK but mayo is always nasty to me!)
No big deal Lisa...make whatever you like. Thanks! If you find something in my pantry you can use, it is yours!

Googlers this week surprised me by Googling "blog-Stedman" into the top 5 searched phrases here at the Nirvana. It is a bit of Nirvana foreshadowing for later this week....

wait for it.
wait for it.
wait for it.

What is up with Holly's coccyx?

It just is exacerbating my grumpiness.

So let's move on to something more fun...

Chicken of the Week!

This is proof of chicken thievery...this was the candy WE were handing out.

Let's find out who is Peep of the Week!

In response to last week's potluck photo:
Elaine said this...

I am so late to the potluck that I am sure those beaters are already licked. Damn.

AND because I am grumpy AND this made me laugh really hard AND I make the potluck rules around here AND truthfully there are no rules AND if there were rules it wouldn't matter AND I would totally break them because this is worth it AND I am all powerful here at the potluck...

In response to my application to MENSA:

Marinka replied...
Only God, and apparently Blog Stedman, can make a dragonfly...

I just hope the funny girl team of Elaine and Marinka can peacefully reign this week as co-Peep of the Week!

What is in Holly's fruit bowl?

Two large bunches of bananas, one sad lime and a bad apple. I am blaming that apple for the lime's mood.

A Nirvana programming note:

Many thanks to those of you who linked last week in an effort to feed me and my family. Yum!

This Wednesday I will have Mr. Linky for you to link to a marital tale (story about your spouse, silly marital strife, funny things you have found out, etc.). I think it will be a lot of fun, so please come back for that!

May your extra hour via DST create warmth instead of bitterness...


Missy said...

Dst & Mondays do not mix well.
I hope this makes it better, you have been tagged.

spinning in our own direction said...

Damn that extra hour!! We were really enjoying it until we got home. We went to winstar for my bday and I lost tons of $$ oh well. I love the pic of Rhett.. That totally cracks me up. WE so shouldv'e come to trick or treat with you guys.. see you wed. You do remeber youg got wed.

Debbie said...

All those who know that only a MAN would come up with the idea of messing with the time, please raise your hands. That's what I thought too. I can't even reset my own internal clock these days - let alone the poor kiddos. Yes, I hate it too.

InTheFastLane said...

The change here is making me and my little one grumpy. The 14 YO, on the other hand, was soooo happy to get that extra hour of sleep that I only got one grunt when I had to wake her up instead of my usual two.

3 Bay B Chicks said...

I have no recollection of how I found your blog, but absolutely love your approach to life and your humor. Makes me smile every time I log on.

I am passing along the very cheesy, yet sincere, I'm Lovin' Your Blog "award" to you. Check it out on my site: http://3baybchicks.blogspot.com/

Sarah said...

Wow...plenty of grumps abound. I can see the grump monsters waiting in the wings to pounce on me again...they were not-so-friendly visitors of mine the past week.

Love the chicken, though! And the fact that his shoes match the costume is just a big bonus to the fun!

Unknown said...

You were giving out ENTIRE LARGE Nestle Crunch bars? I SO should have drove over to your neighborhood!

So Excited to be co-peep of the week! *blushing*

And Lisa is cooking? Seriously... what's your address? ; )

Heather said...

End of DST used to mean an extra six pack and a delayed hangover. Now it means my 7 year old wakes up at 5:00 am instead of 6:00 am. Every. Single. Day. Until. Spring. Even when I keep him up until midnight and run him on the treadmill.

Angie Ledbetter said...

Isn't there just always one dayum bad apple in the bowl to spoil the rest?

I got a deal fer ya: Willing to trade three almost-potty trained teenagers for one little chicken with a Crunch in his beak! Pleeeeeeease?

PS The DH (Deer Hunter) just called to see if I wanna meet him for lunch. Me: "Ummm, it's 10:30." Him: "Oh, guess I didn't set my watch back." :)

jill jill bo bill said...

I am with Elaine. Whole Krunch bars?! Next year when you see a large rotund hooker at your door, it's me. Maybe I will dress up.

~ Straight Shooter ~ said...

OHH Sweetie, your makin' my heart go pitter-pat in sympathy to your mood.
Wish I were near to offer ((hugs)).
Send them off to school and take a long nap. If Chicken Boy is at home, Duck tape him to the wall for a short time. A little me time would do you good.

Burgh Baby said...

So, how mad would you be if I told you we made it through the time change without even minor bruising? No pain at all, in fact!

Anglophile Football Fanatic said...

I loathe the time change. 5:22 is dinner time - not time for waking. Misery loves company among Hollys.

Ash said...

I'm so tired I have nothing to give you, no chicken humor, no fruit bowl sass.


But empathy. That, I have by the truck load. Have some?

Anonymous said...

I think that your youngest deserves an award for being the chicken with the mostest! I always stuff my chickens with Nestle crunch. Works every time!


Marinka said...

Thank you for making me co-queen (when I said that it my head, it sounded like "coke queen")!

Momo Fali said...

I loved my extra hour! It's the dark at 5:00 PM stuff that I could do without.

Miss Lisa said...

Yay--I RULE potluck! ;)

I detest daylight savings time--we're not farmers anymore. Why do we still have it?!
Cute chick of the week ;)

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

My extra hour yesterday was magical.

Jenny Gardiner said...

love the chicken suit.
I used to loathe DST when my kids were little. One time it combined with our traveling and being on some other time zone so I was totally screwed. My kids were up for the day at some godforesaken hour like 2 a.m.

Clearly moms didn't invent DST...

Anonymous said...

i love the chicken of the week. the child it's so so cute

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