My first two boys were thumb suckers despite my best binky-pushing techniques. Eventually with each boy I finally gave up. Thumbs it was. Ryan also developed a very close relationship to his teddy. Reid also developed a very close relationship to his blanket.

When Rhett arrived, I half-heartedly pushed the binky. It was out of habit and without hope. To my surprise it took. He was officially a boy with a binky.

Binky + Boy = Love.

So I declared it...

Ryan had a teddy.
Reid had a blanket.
Rhett had a binky.

All was right with the world. I could keep up with three things. One special item for each boy. No problem.

And then Rhett decided that one binky just wasn't enough. If more was better than four was best.


So, four B's it was. They were small. I could slip them into my purse or in a corner of the diaper bag.

Then he decided he needed animals to take a nap.

Not just one animal, but MANY animals.

Alright, animals. Animals we have. Animals he loves.

And then he decided he needed blankets.

Not just one blanket, but MANY blankets.

Alright, blankets we have. Blankets he loves.

The crib was crowded.

Crowded with love.


One of these things is not like the other.

One of these things just doesn't belong...

Oh, that is Rhett's "hot dog".

It is on the A-list of loveys.

Who can fall asleep without a hot dog?

Yep, Rhett's "hot dog" is actually Shigella the microbe that causes a stomach ache.

Maybe Rhett's family has attended one too many health profession vendor fairs...


Sara said...

Lol! I love the shigella hot dog!

I tagged you for a game over at my place. Come see!

Ash said...

That shot of the chicken looks like Rhett might have put one of those binkies where the sun don't shine!

We have the red variety here - Prince L calls them his "spark-ly ma's" - "ma" is the binky word. Seriously, I may let him keep them until he leaves for college. How precious is that?

Shingella - love it!


Scary Mommy said...

LOL!! When I was young, my lovey was a giant peapod. It was once stuffed with smiley faced peas, but I simply wanted the pod. Now, my kids have not one, or two or three, but handfuls of animals they schelp everywhere. I keep trying to focus on one, but it doesn't take!

Debbie said...

My youngest had a small rubber and plastic stomach that he loved. It had the tube leadin into it and everything. He carried that stomach everywhere we went. Strange looks from others? You betcha.

Happy Campers said...

Awhhh hahahahahaha....I love the stomach ache hot dog. Isn't it fitting that he calls the stomach ache a HOT DOG?

Suburban Correspondent said...

I thought it was something microscopic! I was guessing ameoba, though.

jill jill bo bill said...

Hey! I never got any of the cool diseaes at those health fairs. Well, there was the one back in 94, but no stuffed animal came with that one....

Anonymous said...

I guess they will make stuffed anything ;)

But to call it a hot dog--very observant boy!

Brittany said...

Awww....bacteria makes for the best lovies!

spinning in our own direction said...

HA .. no doubt being a doc is the boys future.. Too funny .. weh you said hot dog I thought looks like a bacteria to me but whatever.. maybe its some new organic hot dog.. fits thats hot dog +tummy ache.. DOnt tell tammy she'll be all over that one..

Anonymous said...

AGH! That is freakin me out!

My boy is attached to Sam the Lamb and ONE Binky. It has to be the orange binky. You can not substitute any other binkies. Therefore, orange binky can never be lost or left at home when you go away for the weekend or else you have to drive all over Park City until you find the right binky, chew on it yourself to break it in and hope child doesn't notice.

Anonymous said...

I thought that didn't look like a hotdog but like some kind of strange bacteria. *lol*

Who knows, he may end up growing up to be the dude who cures the common cold...which I have another one of. Yipee!

My daughter is much the same...well except she doesn't sleep with stuffed tummy microbes. Nope she's got the entire cast and crew of Sesame Street in bed with her.

Something about what I just wrote seems....wrong.

Anonymous said...

Seriously? Apparently the comedy apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Do you know what kind of therapy this is going to take to repair? "Yes, when I was a baby I slept with a giant microbe..." I think you should offer to pick up the bill NOW.

You got a shout out today at The Glamorous Life Association. I am sure you will be so unproud!

Suzie said...

My son was a paci addict too. His bed is covered in strange stuffed things although your sons stomach bug takes the cake, and then throws it back up again

Gretchen said...

That is so cute! I didn't know they even made stomach-virus stuffies. Who'da thunk it?

InTheFastLane said...

That is one high maintainence kid! Only my youngest has had any lovies. He has two "Boos" blankies that he has been weaning himself off of.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

I'm seeing Chicken Love too!

Kirsetin Morello said...

A hot dog-shaped, microbed-named lovey...lovely! THIS is a new one, for sure. Ah, well, as long as he's sleeping.

ShallowGal said...

Not only does Eli still use pacis at night, he prefers them "linty" Like carpet lint. Ick

xoxo, SG

Valreegrl said...

omg...that is too funny. He is carrying around a germ!

As for the binky....well....we have them. A LOT of them. And we constantly lose them and I am forever stocking up on more. I think the thumb would have been totally easier!

Madge said...

cutie. cutie, cutie cutie.

Eternal Sunshine said...

Ok, well it took my comment, but who knows where it ended up! LOL!

WeaselMomma said...

I love it! Where can I get one? Or other microbes, etc. in stuffed animal form. That's hysterical!

"The Queen in Residence" said...

That is hillarious. It kinda had that ameba look to it.....medical people, their kinda twisted.

Misty said...

So funny... love the hotdog.

Aracely said...

Some of my best friends are bacteria.

Anonymous said...

I think that no oldest child can really and truly understand the heart of a youngest or middle child. All of this crowding, in my opinion, comes from never being a 'me' and always being a 'we'. That grows from brothers to toys to blankets and particularly binkies (notice there are as many binkies as people in his family?).

5 cents please.

I do love the microbe doll.

PAPATV said...

The only thing Rhett's missing is a good guard dog. I'll have to send him our Scooby. Ru-roh!

Beck said...

My kids have never, ever had a lovely - unless you count my son who nursed non-stop from birth until I weaned him abruptly at two.

Maren said...

Funny! Only one of my seven actually took any kind of comfort item...and she took them all! Blankie, binkie, stuffed lovie. Everything. She made up for the rest I guess:)

Unknown said...

It amazes me what they will attach themselves too. Ben still loves a plastic pretend dog bone that he "stole" from the day care that he hasn't atteneded in a year and half...

The Mom Jen said...

Aw what a cute little stomach virus!

Manic Mommy said...

I'd love to get a microscope to see what bacteria lie on that microbe. That's exactly the kind of icky toy my child could not live without.

Oh and we've got a binky addict here. And the teeth to prove it! We call it "pluggy" as in The Plug.

Maggie May said...

i'd like to order a stuffed flesh eating bacteria, please.

all your boys start with R, are you going to be like that couple on TLC with 17 children all named with J names, but with R? cuz i have ideas for you. i love naming things. children, animals, whatever.

Lisa said...

LMAO! That is great!

J has his binky and "unny" (bunny)...we don't go anywhere without them.

Mandy said...

Love the "shigella", and I can totally relate. My husband is a doctor and brings home some of the wierdest pharmaceutical rep give a ways you can imagine! The latest was a stuffed germ!!

Dorene said...

Both my kids used pacifiers. And each of them has their stuffed animal they cannot live without. My youngest has added a blanket to the mix that is a required item while sleeping. It gets difficult keeping track of these things once they start dragging them around the house.

mommeeof10 said...

None of mine had a lovey or binky except #9. He took a binky from 2 months until 3 1/2 months? Once he found his thumb, the binky disappeared. He only sucked his thumb when I was at work. When mom the human pacifier was at home, he just nursed constantly. :)

I can't find my blog said...

We have that elephant, too. The only beloved left for my almost 9yo. *sigh*

AnnetteK said...

My boy would LOVE that one. It would quickly make it to the top of the lovey list! Of course the lovey list just grows as he gets older, and his bed is full to exploding with them.

Jenni said...

Could be worse! Could be a herpes "lovey"!

Anonymous said...

Oh, doctor dad. You know? My bloglines is really messed up & said you hadn't posted. I clicked thru on a hunch. I'm wondering how many posts I missed....

Holly said...

Hmm. Driven to excess? Maybe it's just a case of the more, the merrier. :)

Those microbe toys are crazy, huh?!

anymommy said...

That is the weirdest stuffed thingy I've ever seen. My first thought was ameoba! Thanks for making me laugh again.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if they make a softie of MRSA?

the planet of janet said...

ok. i KNOW i commented on this before... but it disappeared.

what i SAID was: i think rhett is actually plotting a great escape. every time he adds something to his bed requirements, it stacks just a leeeeetle bit higher....

and then? he'll climb out.

it's a conspiracy!!!!!

Teri said...

That is so cute! My daughter was the one who had a crib full of stuff. She's 15 and still keeps her bed loaded down.

Anonymous said...

ROTFL! That was so funny! Rhett also frequently refers to this as the "hot dog with cheese," and you can see why!

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Ha ha ha ha...

I have the polar opposite child. Will cannot sleep unless EVERYTHING gets thrown out - socks off his feet included.

Valarie Lea said...

Lots and Lots of Lovey's :)

That Shigella has very sad eyes. :(

Ron Davison said...

It seems clear to me - Rhett is destined to become a polygamist. You may as well start breaking the news - ever so gradually - to his grandparents. At a minimum, they'll need to pace themselves on the size of the wedding presents.

Rachael said...

What the heck? You haven't been in my bloglines for days...I thought you were on vacation, and now I realize that my bloglines are just malfunctioning. Hmph. Well, here I am.

Nice Shigella, by the way.

My daughter is using a flashdrive at school that says "Prometrium." (A drug rep gave it to me.) I wonder if any of her classmates have any idea what that's all about!

EatPlayLove said...

I've seen those germ lovies! How funny! My two girls never took a pacifier, to my dismay, I tried so hard!

Roger Miller said... Shigella!

Sorry. :)

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