I was in the pantry picking out a snack for Ryan to take to school (first grade) when he came running in.
Ryan: What are you sending for a snack?
Me: Cheese sandwich crackers
Ryan: *grabs the cracker package, flips it over to the nutritional information and reads intently* I can't take this because it has 11 grams of fat.
Me: You are 7. You are a growing boy. What does it matter that it has 11 grams of fat?
Ryan: The boy next to me always reads all my snacks and says there is too much fat.
Me: Huh? *pause and then I spy the Pretzel snacks and grab them* Here, take this. The boy next to you should be fine with these.
Ryan: *turns the package over for the important news* Oh great! Only .5 grams of fat. Good job mom. Thanks.

Lord have mercy on me. Ryan sits next to the snack police at school...


A Mom Two Boys said...

I think that boy's mother has issues.

The snack police boy's. Not Ryan's.

Well, maybe Ryan's too, but that's another discussion for another time! :0)

Thanks for keeping me entertained while I'm up with Zach at this awful hour!

Madge said...

you tell that little Ryan of yours he actually needs fat to grow -- especially his brain. tell Ryan Madge gave him permission to tell the snack police he is WRONG.

Jacque said...

Either that boy is a bit chubby, or his mother is a dieter. LOL

Valarie Lea said...

I'm sure he runs around enough to burn off the 11 grams of fat. :) I know mine does. He eats everything in sight and still doesn't get any bigger. Taller yes, Bigger no.

spinning in our own direction said...

Ha Ha ..Landry went thru a phase like that in Kinder.. He told me how much sugar was in everything.. not fat just sugar and he wouldn't eat any snacks if they had over 9 grams of sugar.. Have fun.. I'm glad you had an acceptable snack. :)

Courtney said...

Wow, that's scary. And a boy? Huh!

Chandra said...

I know we all want our children to eat healthy but that is a little extreme!

Miss Lisa said...

Have you been watching 'America's Next Top Model' with your son? ;)

InTheFastLane said...

My sons NEED all the extra fat and protein they can get. Peanut butter crackers are one of my favorite ways to get that into them. Whether it sticks or not, is another question.

Suzie said...

Thats another good use for duct tape.

Sarah said...

At 7?!?!? SEVEN?!?! Sheesh! My kid did that for a brief period one year when my FIL was diagnosed with diabetes and therefore my MIL spent the whole summer teaching my boy about nutrition labels and how to read them and what he should be looking for. I nipped THAT in the bud fast and told him he was 8 and didn't need to worry about how much he was eating...*sigh* Kids are like sponges so often in the WRONG ways!

Anonymous said...

That's actually sad. Poor kid thinking he has to worry about that.

Momo Fali said...

That's FOR SURE the parents talking. There's a kid in my daughter's class who has a Mom like that. She won't participate in some of the fund raisers, because she thinks we're selling unhealthy stuff.

Anonymous said...

It must be something they are teaching in 1st grade.

We were at Subway the other night and I let the kids pick out chips. My son stood there forever and finally picked. After he had eaten 1/2 his chips he said he should have picked the "BAKED" Lays. I asked him why. "Because they are healthier for me." I just shook my head - my tall skinny boy does NOT need to worry about that.

Tootsie Farklepants said...

Sounds like other boy's mother doesn't have any daughters to pass on her food obsession/eating disorder/poor body image issues to.

Jennifer S said...

Yes, there are definitely some issues with Snack Police boy's parents.

Meg said...

I totally agree with Jennifer..that boy's parents sound like they need help.

Roxy said...

Back when I was taking snacks you could still get away with twinkies!!!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

Poor kid (your son and the snack police).

carmen said...

My kids have been reading the nutritional information off of packages recently, too. But they certainly haven't gotten that from their mother!! It must be something they're focusing on in school. Now if only we could get the lunch ladies to do the same....

Jenny Gardiner said...

Ha! I'm still feeding my kids whole milk....
BTW I have a magnet on my refrigerator:


And who says mom isn't passing her fat issues onto her kids?

Betsy, short for Elizabeth, formally known as Esther said...

NNNNnnnnnooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Say it isn't so! I am so militant about NOT doing that in our home...They learn what we teach.

Anonymous said...

That's horrible, H. The kid's 7. At 15 he's going to be anorexic. Sheesh.

Kristen said...

Wow! I think the mommy of the boy your son sits next to, could use a little intervention, or at the very least a glass of wine.

Good Lord!

Happy Campers said...

Yeah, what's up with that? It has to come from TV too. Reese always talks about "how many calories" are in something. I NEVER look at stuff like that (although I should!) so it certainly didn't come from me. It's crazy what kids pick up from all sorts of places....

GHD said...

Oh dear. Reading this, I feel so bad for the "snack police". What must that kid have to deal with at home...

Growing boys need their nutrition! That includes fat, too!!!

Ron Davison said...

This is either really funny or really sad. I can't quite figure out which. I'd be tempted to tell Ryan, "Yeah. If you keep the fat out of your diet you'll never be big. Look at cows."

Anonymous said...

poor snack police. And poor Ryan for getting policed. I bet that kids mom is a tool. (Snack polices, not ryan's. :) )

OHmommy said...

shut up!
are you serious?

JCK said...

THIS is scary. Are we living on Mars these days?

Laski said...

Are you kidding me? Man, I'd like to meet that kids (crazy) parents . . .

Heather said...

You are in big trouble! I was eating lunch with my son once at school, and got a lecture from one of his classmates on how unhealthy his turkey Lunchable was. This from a kid who eats a whole can of Chef-Boy-R-D ravioli for lunch every single day.

Angie @ KEEP BELIEVING said...

OK, so what the hell, I read this like 5 stinking days ago and never got around to commenting. What a bad blog friend I have become, letting my real life have priority these days.

I am praying that healthy eating peer pressure affects my Gavin. Seriously, I am going to pay some bully into telling Gavin he is going to beat him up at recess unless he brings an apple and eats it the next day. This is awesome.


Anonymous said...

If my scrawny butt child tells me one.more.time. that he is fat, so help me, I'm going to scream. The kid could eat butter for meals and still be at 25th percentile weight. On the plus side, he truly keeps track of what he's had on the food pyramid.

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