Tuesday's Tribute
Yet Another Jay and Deb Production.

Today I would like to give TRIBUTE to a Creative Team that really took it a step further.

Cheers to the Creative Team behind Cheetos!

You looked at the near perfect Flamin' Hot Cheetos and said...

that is not good enough!

We need to look OUTSIDE THE BOX.

We need to improve the size and shape.

We need to supersize the flamin' hot goodness.

And so you created GIANT Flamin' Hot Cheetos:

Because who does NOT want marshmallow size flamin' flavor?

Marshmallow flamin' hot flavor so inspiring, I went out and got a stick.

And then set to roasting - flamin' the flamin'.

Which lead me to the obvious GIANT Flamin' Hot S'more.

Try to do that with the original.


Halftime Lessons said...


Puff Piece...Crackin my ass up.

You are one nutty broad. And I mean that in the most awesome of ways.

LOVED this.


Jenni said...

Mmmmmm! The classiest Chocolate and Cheese treat EVER! Suck it, Melting Pot!

Denise @ Sunflowers, Chocolate and Little Boys said...

So funny...and nasty, all at the same time. LOL

AnnieRoso said...

That's disgusting. Har!

Natalie said...

i just ate one of those cheetos on friday night. actually the one i ate was just regular cheezy goodness, but it was freaking huge! and i must say quite uncomfortable in my mouth. i felt like i was cutting my mouth all up trying to eat it!

Becky said...

So funny! Did you eat that?

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Is that even legal??? What will the team over at the real marshmallow factory think? Will they retaliate? Will they be able to compete?
And, where did you find that stick? It's the best roasting stick! You would be the most envied roaster 'round my campfire!

WeaselMomma said...

What facility is Blog Stedman having you committed to? I'd like to send flowers (the tissue paper kind of course, That you can't get hurt on).

Melizzard said...

Good Gawd, did we really even need the original Flaming Hot Cheetos? Why must they keep dabbling with perfection?

Alisha said...

HAHAHA ... this is a great tribute!

Mariah said...

love the tribute...love flamin hot cheetos...love your blog.

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Lovely. I mean, you just can't roast snack foods like you used to!

Anonymous said...

Chocolate AND Flamin Hot Cheetos? Flippin' genius.

I may never be thin again. No - scratch that.

I may never be thin. Ever.

Carissa(GoodnCrazy) said...

I brought home the giant plain cheese puff ones.. and they were... GIANT. 4yrold loved 'em.. the rest of us.. not so much.. !

I totally tweeted this post out (even looked for a cheetos rep) and am now going to stumble you.. made me smile today and I needed that...

zelzee said...


Makes me want to redo a bedroom or something...

Straight to Your Hart said...

LOL :) That is a crack up...I need to do that as a trick with my oldest and her friends..It really IS a marshmellow...Oh, this will be fun! Thanks for the follow and commenting...Have a great day!:)

Rachel said...

The flaming cheetos are the best.
This can be reason #972.5 why I can't wait to meet you.

Unknown said...

LOL...now thats a GREAT Tuesday tribute

Anonymous said...

Ha. That was great.

Teri said...

Oh gross. I swear, you had me till the end. hehe

Manic Mommy said...

The last picture: Two Wheat Thins, a Easter bunny chocolate, the aforementioned Flamin' Cheeto, and I'm thinking maybe melba toast on top. Am I right?

Lynn C Mama to 3 said...

Hmm... I think I will stick to the creative genius of marshmellows in smores instead. Kudos for trying, though!

Dennis and Leslie said...

Great....another reason for my ER to fill up with "tummy aches", aka juvenile heartburn.

Coco said...

LOL...great post! Maison is all about the Cheetos!

Shauna said...


Jenners said...

The neon orange goodness just leapt out of the computer screen to me ... I think I have the Cheeto dust all over my hands. I like Cheetos as much as the next person but this is just ridiculous!

Fantastic post!

Momisodes said...

Okay. I'm sold.

I'm buying a bag of those tomorrow :)

Anonymous said...

The World's Largest Cheeto lives in my husband's "blink and you miss it" hometown in Iowa. As I understand it, it's about the size of your fist and was bid on on eBay. Why, I ask? Why did someone feel it necessary to bid on this cheeto and put it on display in a wee widdle town in Iowa? Why? Just eat the damned thing with a beer!

KG said...

I think I just threw up a little in my mouth. And yet simultaneously I salivated a little bit. I'm one sick and twisted woman.

MamabearMills said...

OMG, Im NOT showing this to my 9 year old. This last weekend his fave snacks on vacation were those cheetos and smores! Holy shit! lol

Roger Miller said...

I think you need to get a hobby. Maybe take up knitting or something.

Kelly Deneen Raymond said...

ewwwwwwwww. LOL!

I saw those at Walgreen's last night and contemplated buying one for my husband. heh.

JCK said...

But...did you actually eat it?

Noob Mommy said...

Never knew there were giant ones! Oh I can't wait to go find these. Love me so stinkin hot cheetos :)

Mozi Esme said...

That is one hot Smore - wow! Very inspiring...

Kim said...

This cracks me up. And I am NOT showing my kids, I think they would jump all over this idea!

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