I have noticed that every once in awhile I have "yelled" something unusual at my kids. And by "yelling" I mean a hasty order with a slightly raised voice out of pure exasperation.

I first documented this phenomenon almost a year ago with the following phrase.

"Take the baby's shoes out of the fridge!"--Holly, November 21, 2007

Yep, that is pretty unexpected, but I think I have topped that with this:
"Who threw the anvil?"--Holly, November 2, 2008

I might even dare to say that no one in the history of the world (outside of maybe an ACME cartoon character) has ever said those words.

Why does Holly own an anvil?

I don't own an anvil. It is Ryan's anvil.

Why does Holly's oldest son own an anvil at the ripe age of 7?

He got it for Christmas a few Christmases ago.

Oh. What?

Yep, when Ryan was 5 he got an anvil for Christmas. He opened the gift and said, "Oh good! Just what I wanted!"

It was true. The anvil topped Ryan's Christmas list that year. He was really into breaking rocks into smaller pieces with a hammer. He was sure that if he broke enough stones he would find a diamond.

When you use a hammer on stones, it is best to have an anvil. His anvil arrived from grandparents who also included protective eye wear. Overall it was his favorite gift.

So back to the anvil flying through the air...

Me: Who threw the anvil?

Ryan: Uhhhh...it was an ACCIDENT!

No one accidentally throws an anvil.

I did.


I was holding it above my head and my arms got tired.

Alright. I think there is a new house rule that anvils stay on the ground.

It just occurred to me that strange phrases yelled at my kids often result in even more absurd rules...


WeaselMomma said...

Umm, this year is he asking Santa for rocket propelled roller skates?

Kalynne Pudner said...

Rules of the Nirvana:

1) All anvils must stay out on the ground.

2) No shoes in the refrigerator.

3) Beavers felling trees along the driveway will be used for potluck Monday.

Marinka said...

This reminds me that I need an anvil.

Manic Mommy said...

"Don't pick your brother's nose!"

An anvil? Really?

Terri Tiffany said...

LOL!!! I know I say this every time I come here --but you make me laugh out loud! No other blogs do!! Love the dated comments--that was perfct! '
Maybe I will get my grandson an anvil in a few years--sounds fun!

Angie Ledbetter said...

"It just occurred to me that strange phrases yelled at my kids often result in even more absurd rules..."

Kinda like government, hunh?

I was gonna write you a poem, but couldn't think of one stinkin' word to rhyme with anvil. :)

Debbie said...

I have found myself chuckling after some statements come out of my mouth. That kinda ruins the whole "Mom is ticked - we'd better straighten up" effect.

Courtney said...

That is too funny!

Anonymous said...

So funny! All in all, though, it's better to throw it than let it drop on his head. The anvil stays on the ground rule sound like a good one to me...

I've had to say things like, "Get your toes out of your brother's nose." more often than I care to admit. :)

jill jill bo bill said...

When you come to the point you say, "If I have said it once, I've said it a thousand times...Anvils stay on the ground," you may have a problem.

Unknown said...

The visual is great on this one!

Ash said...

LOL!! Just where does one purchase an anvil? Local Feed Store?

Overheard this weeked -
Dear hubby: "don't put your penis in the beeker."

I wanted to scream, "don't put your penis in anything, ever!"


Aracely said...

"STOP!!!! DON'T PUT THAT IN YOUR MOUTH!!!! That's daddy's razor, NOT a tooth brush!"

When I think about what he could of done to his gums, I darn near pass out!

Angie Ledbetter said...

PS...Please tell me I'm not the only Nirvana-aholic who stops by several times a day to read comments, which are sometimes as good as Holly's posts! Please. Anybody?

Heather said...

And if Roadrunner cartoons were still on the air, you'd have some real danger on your hands.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

This doesn't sound strange to me at all.

Someone once "accidentally" threw a baseball bat at my house.

Jane! said...

Where do you even BUY an anvil? I'm thinking not Toy'rUs.

Beck said...

I once sent my brother to the hospital because I threw a pinecone at his head. If I'd had an anvil, he'd be dead now.

Brea in Texas said...

Bwwaaaahahahaha! Love it, Holly!


Valarie Lea said...

I have found that boys have some odd request for Christmas. L.L. asked for a fridge for Christmas last year. He likes to keep his toothpaste in there. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm stuck on the though of who much it must have $$ the grandparents to send an Anvil!

Roger Miller said...

I wouldn't worry too much until Ryan E. Coyote (super genius) starts ordering birdseed and lead pellets.

Anonymous said...

Is this kid watching too many '70's cartoons?

Elizabeth said...

I just want to be as witty as Holly, Kalynne and Roger!

Too Funny!!!
Blessings, and NO Throwing Anvils!

Anonymous said...

I see a future in the Olympics. You're going to have to beef the boy up for him to really become an Olympic champion anvil thrower.

Brittany said...

See, that would have been followed by my eyes pooping out of my head.

~ Straight Shooter ~ said...

Is he planning a flourishing career in blacksmithing if the rock diamond hunting doesn't work out for him?

Miss Lisa said...

Let me guess--Holly gets all her Christmas shopping done at ACME, right? ;)

Rachel said...

seriously? I'm dyin' here. Your house, is just too fun.
Love it. :-)

Anonymous said...

That's one hilarious line that I am happy will never be heard in our house. If anything heavier than 1/2 pound gets thrown here, there will be some eBay selling of little human beings.

Jenny Gardiner said...

Oh, I love that he owns an anvil. And his arms got tired--he didn't throw it, mom!
My son had his own decorative plunger for a couple of years. We would go the grocery store, he with his fancy plunger (unused, mind you) and careen through the store as PlungerMan! I'm sure people often wondered what a little boy was doing with a plunger in the produce section...

nikkicrumpet said...

Well that was worth a great big laugh. I loved this story...too funny! And sadly 20 years from now...you'll still be yelling stupid things at them. It never ends!

JCK said...

I can't be as witty as Ms. Kalynne, but I am nodding along and smiling...

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