4:31 AM

Monday Potluck: cue the cowbell...

Posted by Texasholly |

Yipeeee is Monday. Monday is Potluck. Potluck is Monday. Therefore, Potluck is Yipeeee. Let's all dance around in my circular reasoning.

This is a blog list alert. This is not a test. This is an actual alert. If you are on my blog list, please stand by for important information:

Janet posts her blog at midnight. She would like to be on my blog list when she visits between 7-9 am CST. I am requesting that all but 24 of you refrain from posting between the hours of midnight and 9 am CST so I can accommodate Janet's schedule. Thank you.

*this concludes the blog list alert*

I received a visitor from the search "over the toilet table". Another visitor was Nirvana bound from the search "stick figure drawings for the bathroom by donna". I have no idea who Donna is, but I like her style. And then I begin to wonder if the first visitor might be looking for Donna...

What is up with Holly's coccyx?

Alrighty, can I just admit to being embarrassed by carrying around a donut/toilet seat thingy? It is conspicuous. I have to sit on it or I am in tears. So I have decided to design a better mouse trap, or a better donut. My first prototype is being crafted at a foam manufacturer now. I am sure this is not the last you will be hearing from me about this endeavor. Now I need to go search to see if www.paininthebutt.com is already taken...

And now let's see who is this week's Peep of the Week!

The winning comment was in response to this portion of the fierce camping story:

The cowbell was never properly explained as a device for protecting young women. It works like this. Cow bells, of course, attract herds of cattle. When they are summoned, they serve to distract natural predators who are unlikely to pass up on all the tasty beef for thin prey in sleeping bags. And the cattle work for young men as well. As they approach the sleeping beauties, evil intent in mind, they will be so distracted by the prospect of cow tipping on a steep hill that they'll be no threat to the young women. Cow bells are largely underrated as a defensive device.

Thanks to Ron Davison for this cowbell insight. You are Nirvana's Peep of the Week.

Everybody is wondering...
*shout it together*
What is in Holly's fruit bowl?

A faux beaver and a faux snake.*
*not properly put away after Friday's picture extravaganza.
(Whew. That was WAY better than nothing.)

**Holly's blog talk will conclude with a photo of her child(ren) which will be a signal that Holly's blog talk is over. This is because Holly has come under some criticism from readers who do not blog that Holly might be getting a bit too technical *insert Holly-who-can't-figure-out-her-fancy-phone's laughter here* and sometimes slant her writing toward readers who blog. Holly is hypersensitive to criticism this issue and hopes that if you agree with this feedback that you will skip ahead to the photo. Holly will not be taking any complaints from people who were warned, yet read on...

Here at Holly's blog talk I am all about life blog changing subjects. Last week I gushed about my new blog list to the point of nausea. And this week's subject ad nauseum is....StumbleUpon. Yes! I am a convert to the church of StumbleUpon. At first I was pro-stumble having all sorts of fun reviewing and adding my thumbs up/dwn to posts.

I love feeling like an expert.

AND then StumbleUpon sent me 361 visitors. HELLO 361? Ya 361, that 361 is 361 like 361 major 361 around 361 here 361.

If you would like to join the StumbleUpon alter call...please just head over to my page and be my StumbleFriend.

We can StumbleSkip through the StumbleFields of StumbleDaisys with StumbleCrowns of StumbleDandelions upon our StumbleHeads.

**and this concludes Holly's blog talk**

So hypothetically speaking, if you were hypothetically grandparents who were hypothetically traveling in hypothetical Switzerland and decided to get hypothetical gifts for your hypothetical 3 grandsons and these were your hypothetical choices...

Hypothetically, the polka beaver (yes, ironically a beaver) might be more annoying then a cowbell. More annoying then a cowbell? You decide:

To get that out of your head you can meditate on this cowbell...

Happy, happy Monday!


Anonymous said...

I love stumbleupon. Lurve it.

Kalynne Pudner said...

That reasoning at the beginning? It's not circular. It's a syllogism. Although the last premise is redundant. I suspect, however, that it falls prey to the fallacy of equivocation. ("Yippee is Monday??")

**And this concludes the Philosopher-Mom's Logic Lesson in Holly's Comment Section.**

cce said...

My parents brought me that same damn cowbell when in Switzerland without me some twenty years ago. They haven't changed the worthless souvenirs over there in awhile. I say someone take up that torch and make themselves a bundle of Swiss cash.

Brittany said...

Ok, this was hilarious, and I am all for learning how to do stumble upon, it sent me about 200 visitors a week ago, and I STILL can't figure it out...

Angie's Spot said...

I'm a comment whore and attention starved, so of course I signed up for stumbleupon. Thanks for the heads up! :-) Another great Monday morning wakeup!

Lauren @ mostly i run said...

Wow. Just watched the Beaver movie and oops, my sound was really loud! I can see how they just couldn't leave him in the store. Truly a "special" gift!

I've never really looked into StumbleUpon, maybe I should give it a shot ... but if I'm going to try to attract more visitors I should really update my blog more often ...

spinning in our own direction said...

I would give the hypothetical grandparents a great big hypothetical kick in the hypotetical coccyx !!! I bet you are having tons of fun with that one... That had to be stedmans parnets becouse they are always finding new was to torture us for taking away their precious sons..

Suzie said...

Holly I am worried about your fruit bowl and your fruit intake. I tried not to say anything about the sweet potato (not a fruit) but I draw the line at a beaver. How about a nice orange or maybe even a peach?

Threeundertwo said...

I'm feeling pretty smart for *not* clicking on the beaver vid.

Some toys were just born to live at grandma's house, if you know what I mean. . .

the planet of janet said...

i hardly know where to start ...

first, of course, thank you for making sure that no one on your blogroll posts after i do. i am pretty sure this will work out great.

second, i am such a whore that i'm going IMMEDIATELY to stumbleupon.

third, i had something to say about the beaver, but that video knocked everything clever out of my head. i'm still trying to recover from the bleeding of the eyes and ears.

on the other hand .... MORE COWBELL!!!!!

Courtney said...

Love the cowbell explanation!

Life in the Crazy Lane said...

Um ... how loud is the cowbell? Because that Beaver is pretty darn annoying. Of course, you could always remove the batteries ... It's a toss-up.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Seriously, in all of Switzerland these are the only two choices? How about some nice Lederhosen for the boys for your Christmas picture?

Lizz @ Yes, and So is My Heart said...

Oh, please do tell me about StumbleUpon...please, pretty please.

Anonymous said...

Oh, that's so wrong on so many levels...

Anonymous said...

Uh...sure Janet. No problemo ;)

Also...stumble upon is the gift that keeps on giving. I totally can't figure out how to work it either. But I likey.

Ron Davison said...

I cannot believe that cce would be so dismissive of your parent's efforts. From the land of Swiss Banks they've sent your household a top of the line home security system (that assumes, of course, that cattle are free to graze in your front yard where they can actually serve as a deterrent to crime).
And by the way, nice potluck, although I can’t believe that every one of us brought the same celery jello casserole. What are the odds?

Miss Lisa said...

361--wow. Maybe I should look into it :)

And now I need to know where you get this energy--please ;)

Manic Mommy said...

Two gifts/three grandsons??

My son would LOVE the accordian beaver. Are beavers indiginous to Swizerland?

My mom brought my 4yo a lovely windmill from Holland that he can't touch - because it's breakable.

Three cheers for Duty Free Shop purchases!

Valarie Lea said...

Hypothetically if Grandparents, brought back said hypothetical beaver and/or cowbell, they might just hypothetically disapper suddenly and without little warning.

Anonymous said...

I need a stumbleupon tutorial. I'm in, but darned if I can summon the brain power to figure it out. This is the definition of old age, isn't it? I'm doomed.

Anonymous said...

I gotta fever and the only prescription is more cowbell !


Anglophile Football Fanatic said...

Holly? You really need to break this down for me into little bitty parts. I only understood a few words. I think you wrote in Pig Latin. Et tu Brutae?

And, you still need to explain Stumble to me.

Anonymous said...

We get weird-ass gifts from D's parents too. My favorite? The belt with the huge Texas sized buckle. Why this belt? It would fit around an infant, maybe a toddler. Nice.

Roger Miller said...

Oh man, there goes my writing during the wee hours of the morning! I figured it would be more coherent that way. :)

Stumble Upon is.. interesting, although I have absolutely NO IDEA what the h@#$ I am doing! If you get a moment in time, please help myself and other illiterate stumblers, how to make sense of it.

Or you can just call me an old fogey and allow me to rot in my internet vacuum all by myself.

Or something like that.

Yeah, it's Monday Night!!

OHmommy said...

Oh gosh... do I love Stumble. LOL.

Kellan said...

I signed up for Stumble, but haven't quite figured it out - I need to figure it out, don't I?

Hope you had a good day - Kellan

Madge said...

Really. When is Blog Stedman (sp?) just going to put you out of your misery every Monday? Drug you up with some sort of anesthetic or something.

Yes, I would miss Potluck Monday. But I worry about you (not really).

Momisodes said...

LOL at the cowbell :) Thanks so much for the link to Stumble. As if I don't have enough internet crack ;) I'm heading right over!

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Too many things in this post to list that I LOL-ed about, although for some reason the number 361 is ringing in my head - now hwo did THAT happen?

JCK said...

That cowbell is impressive. Kind of looks like a German decorative kinky bondage instrument. Not that I would know anything about bondage or kinky. Or German kinky.

Beck said...

I have that cowbell. Someone must have gone to Switzerland when I wasn't looking.

A Mom Two Boys said...

I'm not sure that the beaver gift is any worse than my pants. Although it IS more annoying, so you win.

KG said...

Stumbleupon sounds rather tempting . . .

but not as tempting as that beaver. I think giving somebody that thing is like people who give toddlers noise-making devices in order to make the parents deranged. I should note I am one of those people.

Colleen - Mommy Always Wins said...

Those are some lovely beavers. Where can *I* get one? *hee*...

Momo Fali said...

Is that beaver holding cigarettes?

Janet said...

help, i've stumbled and i can't get up...

Laski said...

Stumble??? Um, it that like plurk, twitter and the like?

So, does that mean I'd be plurking, twittering, blogging, buzzing, and twittering??? I'm so tired . . .

Burgh Baby said...

YOU CAN'T MAKE ME WATCH YOUR BEAVER. No, you can't. I don't like watching beavers, so I'm not watching.

And you can't make me.

Ok, Where Was I? said...

I've never read anything about a cowbell on any blog before, and here you have two different mentions of cowbells. That's mad skilz!

I sort of forgot about stumbleupon. I first clicked on it when I suddenly got two thousand hits in one day. I did a post called "child labor," and someone thumbed up it, or thumbed it up or whatever, and then it got listed with political topics for the day. I probably got about three to four thousand hits from that one.

And of course they all became regular readers.

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

When you Stumbled my post by mistake last week, I got about 55 hits in the hour following the Stumble.

(By the way, I think you meant to stumble the solar powered air personal air conditioner, because you wrote a review that looked appropriate for that post.)

That site ROCKS!

Louise said...

My reader gave me a sneak peek of this post on SUNDAY, and I tried to post a comment, but I couldn't. (Because it wasn't really there.) And then because it didn't tell me it was there on Monday, I didn't remember to come back. Sue me. I should be sued. Or maybe shunned.

Anyway, I'm dying to hear more of the coccyx donut-thingy saga. A foam manufacturer? That's serious! I should have done that when I was 10. It was YEARS before I could ride in a car without sitting crooked. (That means leaning heavily on one buttock or the other.) I still can't do sit-ups. That's 30-something years later.

Ron DESERVED the Peep for that comment. Now not only do I have to drag my husband over to read your blog, I have to make him read the comments as well! (He enjoys it! I don't really have to drag him.)

And the dancing beaver and cowbell are, well.... Well, I'm sure no one else has anything like them! And they're FUNNY! And even cute. They didn't bring back t-shirts! That's something!

Unknown said...

Ok, can I just hypothetically say that the beaver is pretty ugly? You are ok with that, right?

Guess I have to check out StumbleUpon...

Tootsie Farklepants said...

I'm StumbleCommenting.

Jenny Gardiner said...

hey--my husband bought that exact same cowbell when he backpacked through Europe about 25 years ago!
I have to tell you I sorta like your Polka Beaver . And it's really very fitting for you, what with your beaver issues and all LOL

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