I took this picture standing on my driveway.

I love my trees. They are absolutely beautiful. It a mini-forest. In the spring and summer the foliage is so thick it obscures all views of neighbors. It feels very treehousish.

I took this picture standing on my driveway.

I love my creek. It is absolutely beautiful. It is a mini-river. There is always a bit of water that saunters and meanders around the side of the house and through the backyard. It feels very moatish.

I took this picture standing on my driveway.

I love my boys. They also love the trees and the creek. They fleece the trees of their leaves creating mini-boats for the mini-river. They experience the creek. Not from the driveway basking in its beauty, but a bit closer. Close enough to fall in. Close enough to fall in daily. It feels very adventurish.

I took this picture standing on my driveway.

I love my trees, creek and boys. I think I will go do laundry now because I took this picture standing on my driveway...


Misty said...

Beautiful! I want to come take pictures in your driveway too... And you could do my laundry, as an added bonus!:) I'd offer an exchange but my gross driveway is pretty cookie cutter...

Anonymous said...

I was walking with a friend yesterday in our park. They just opened a "fountain" that is a long stream. He stopped and said that when he was a kid, the streams by his house in Evergreen were the best thing in the entire world. He could play in them for hours at a time.

You home is clearly a beautiful place for adults - and heaven for little boys! Well done Holly!! :)

Momo Fali said...

I love my driveway, except when it's covered with snow. I love my trees, except when they lose their 60 bags worth of leaves in the Fall. I love my kids, even when they're driving me crazy!

A Mom Two Boys said...

That's not at all what I pictured your driveway to look like. I pictured no trees, or maybe some little ones with neatly manicured grass. And your house is blue-ish grey with a front porch with a while railing.

I want a creek in my yard. Or maybe I don't. Sounds messy.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Dirty is how you know they're having fun!

Elizabeth said...

So how many times a day do they have to change out of wet muddy clothes? Ah, and ode to laundry!
My Snorkie destroyed three peony bushes this spring digging in the dirt. Ah Boys.
Blessings, EJT

InTheFastLane said...

That looks like Heaven for little boys. Dirty, mud, water, leaves sticks...the stuff of childhood :)

Manic Mommy said...

I took this picture from my laundry room. I love Tide. It's very clean-ish.

The moat is totally cool. We get one when it rains a lot. it is less cool. Our moat is supposed to be the front walk.

Miss Lisa said...

Don't ya just love spring?!

the planet of janet said...

oooh, my kids would have loved your driveway when they were little.

my laundry, however, would have hated it.

Jennifer S said...

Like A Mom Two Boys, I didn't imagine your driveway like that, either.

I love the creek. I want a creek. Even if it meant more laundry (not sure I would notice an increase, since it's so monumental now).

It looks like so much fun. My kids would love it.

Jenny, the Bloggess said...

I think I want to live on your driveway.

Valarie Lea said...

I love our creek, but I can't let the kids just go play in ours right now, the snakes are coming out in ours. :(

painted maypole said...

cleverly done post, and what great views your driveway provides!

Laski said...

Gorgeous . . . what views . . . looks like the driveway is the place to be.

MoscowMom said...

Oh.... How lovely... You're living in my fantasy world of I imagined my home would be like once I got married and became a mom! I pictured said home in New England, not Texas, but it sure looks great.


cce said...

I hear you, with nature comes filth and with filth comes laundry. But it wouldn't be sweet adventure if it didn't involve grass stains.

Jenny Gardiner said...

Great pics. A little slice of bliss.

Joeprah said...

That is an absolute kid paradise. Man, that's the coolest place ever to live. Frogs, snakes, toads, turtles, fish, bugs, sticks, rocks...man--Awesome.

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