Today we are in for a treat.

I have arranged an interview with world famous Nirvana architect, Rhett.

Rhett is a 3 year old architect out of North Texas. His formal training was in other areas (potty training, pedaling a tricycle and book procurement for story time) and is predominantly self-taught in the field of architecture.

His previous architectural achievements have included unique structures created out of non-traditional building materials such as Legos, Tinker Toys, Lincoln Logs and wooden blocks. He is a master at mixed media and demonstrates a creative streak that is unsurpassed.

Thank you Rhett for joining us today.


Rhett, can you please show us your latest work?

Here. Look. It is by couch. DON'T KNOCK IT DOWN!

Inspired! What a unconventional take on a modern town. I am impressed with the traffic flow and advanced planning for population congregation.

No. This is family. Here is mom, dad, Ryan, Reid, Rhett (me), Grandma, Grandpa, Mimi, Bampa, Abby (dog), Scooter (cat), Lauren and Baby Benjamin.

Oh! How unexpected. So this one is your mom?

Yes. Mom.

The tall structure with the wide hips?

Yes. Mommy is big.

And the shorter, skinny structure behind it is your dad?

Yes. Mommy LARGE. Daddy MEDIUM. Rhett SMALL.

I am hoping that you are referring to SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE in a metaphorical sense of their spectrum of influence...


This interview is over.


Jennifer S said...

I was this close to hiring him, until I realized that his rendering of MY hips would dominate the structure. And several adjoining buildings.

You're clever, you know. ;-)

Roger Miller said...

A little "Mom's just right," would have given you a little pre-Mother's Day love, I think. :)

Mozi Esme said...

No! Wonderful interview, though... Fortunately I am always the medium-sized one in all my 2yo artist's renditions, and she only does stick figures, so I still look really skinny. I hate to think what will happen when she moves beyond stick. Maybe I should send her to Nirvana art classes.

Jenn @ Juggling Life said...

Don't let Dr. Freud get a hold of this--you're not going to come out sounding good.

franticallysimple said...

Today, my eight year old said that "Daddy is kinda fat, but in a good way. But you and I both have muffin tops mom."
But I'm sure she meant that in a good way too.

WeaselMomma said...

How much did he charge you for that? Architects are so expensive.

Manic Mommy said...

...and seconds later it was smashed by a toy-wielding Godzilla, or brother (same diff).

Mine tells me my bum is BIG! Thanks, kid. Good luck paying for your own college.

Cajoh said...

That is way too cool. Believe it or not, my Sister-in-law and my Wife used to name their blocks as well (but they were not named after family members). My wife drew a "Family Portrait" for her sister for her birthday this year and named them all.

Happy Campers said...

Your kids are too smart.

Angie Ledbetter said...

That kidlet has a great future. (And, PS, the size of his familial structures represents their importance in his life, so be proud, Momma!) :) Glad you had the camera loaded.

Goldfish said...

The symbolic post-modern take on urban planning is inspired. If depressing.

Unknown said...

Yes, his work is metaphorical....inspiring!

averagebetty said...

So funny! My nieces always draw me very big too... with a mountain of day-glow orange hair. Big Bozo over here!

MommyTime said...

I am hoping that you are referring to SMALL, MEDIUM and LARGE in a metaphorical sense of their spectrum of influence... Bwahahahahaha! You are hilarious. I am not surprised that Mommy is biggest in his world. And you shouldn't take it personally. "Big" is always about influence. It's when they utter phrases such as, "Daddy is too fat for me to ride on his back" (actually heard in my house) that you have to be mortified.

JCK said...

Definitely speaking of you having the larger PRESENCE. Most definitely. Sir Architect Rhett knows who is the boss.

Elizabeth said... is spectrum of influence!
My children drew beautiful pictures of me for my birthday cards...I guess I have to be happy that they love me so much... :)

Savor The Days said...

That's priceless! I love your kids :)

spinning in our own direction said...

oh Crap.. He probably would say Landry's mom ( becouse he is a groupie) is GIANT!!

Threeundertwo said...

I could tell it was you. Even without the shorty pajamas and beaver trap.

MommyTime said...

I also just had to say that the beaver trapping story is completely hilarious, but for some reason Wordpress isn't letting me log in to say so on that post -- so I'm leaving the comment here instead. Animated Holly is awesome.

And those golfers are definitely still telling that story.

Maneuvering Motherhood by Miss Behavin said...

Oh, how cute!

Miss Lisa said...

Darn--I just wrote a comment and it vanished--I think Rhettt just knows you are the biggest BOSS in the house :)

Nanny Goats In Panties said...


That is all.

Unknown said...

This is the cutest post I read all week : ). So adorably funny! Happy Mothers Day tomorrow. I hope it is spectacular! And not hip enlarging...

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