This:Plus this:Would make the de-germination of the house much easier. We are digging out of mountains of used tissues, rivers of 1/2 consumed water bottles and valleys of snack crumbs. There is finally light through this fog.

Dear reader, Thank you for returning. Blog-Stedman has thoughtfully made this in honor of you:
Feel free to display it proudly on your blog, print it out and wear it, enlarge it and display it on your home, make it much bigger and slather it across your private jet. Whatever works best for you because you deserve it!


S said...

I'm so sorry. I'm glad you're seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, though!

Jennifer S said...

Lysol should make a germ fogger, like the ones for roaches and other bugs. You could set it off, leave your house, and come back to a germ-free, um, nirvana.

Glad you're all feeling better. Good luck cleaning up the aftermath.

Momisodes said...

Oh geez! I just saw the pic in the previous poor dears! I hope everyone is on the mend, and is well enough to help you disinfect!

dawn224 said...

ugh. I feel you - hubs and alex have it - I'm pretending like I don't - but lets face it ... once they are well, you just *know* I'm going down like a ton of bricks.

(my word verification is t dum numb - that's kinda funny)

A Mom Two Boys said...

Blog Steadman Kicks A*s. Tell him I said so.

JCK said...

So glad you are resurfacing! Hey, everything is blog fodder, right?

Burgh Baby said...

If you had fumigated with Lysol sooner, maybe the light would have shown itself sooner! Or not. Who knows? All I know is I'm glad y'all are starting to feel better.

cce said...

God I wish I owned one of those two-story residence sized tents that I could throw over the roof every time I see an ant or bat or a mouse. Unfortunately I have never seen the tenting thing done in New England though I think it's good for whatever ails you.
Hope you all are convalescing your way back to 100% health!

Jen said...

glad you're all feeling better!

Jameil said...

hahahahahahaha. love that you made a badge for everyone. hilarious. i should learn how to do that.

Jennifer @ Fruit of My Hands said...

Yeah! I'm glad you survived. You aren't kidding, it seems like every blog I read has sick kids at their house.

Anonymous said...

Yup... There is nothing that those two items couldn't cure or prevent. I think it would be great to see people's reactions as they drove by a quarantined house!

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